Archive - October 2020


Normally I would operate in CQWW SSB as part of a large Multi-Multi team at M6T in Suffolk. Unfortunately, due to obvious reasons the team did not gather at the station this year for a M/M entry. The station was no in use so I was able to use it to do my first competitive CQWW SSB single operator entry. I decided that I would do Single op all band, assisted. I had online university lessons to do before and after the contest so I didn’t want to exhaust myself by doing unassisted and ultimately spending more time in the chair.

Before the contest that was a solar disturbance, which gave poor propogation predictions for the weekend. However from the start of the contest I found conditions to be quite good. Low bands were open nicely to North America and I was able to keep up a good rate through the first night. Throughout the day time’s I took advantage of big antennas on 20m and good conditions on the high bands.

To my surprise, 10m opened well into North America where I was able to get the Zone 4 multiplier. 15m Was also booming and I was able to get my best rate of the contest on Sunday, where I ran a 244 Q/hr rate for 1 hour, all to North America.

I finished the contest having operated only 36 of the 48 hours available with a score I am pleased with. 

The station set up: – Elecraft K3 + Amplifier

160m Dipole @30m

80m Foursquare

40m: 2 ele @ 30m

20m: 4ele @ 30m and Skyhawk Tribander @ 25m

15/10m: Skyhawk tribander @ 25m


The final result: