So what have I been up to since the last time I posted in this blog?… March saw me jet off to Togo with the EIDX group where we operated for 2 weeks as 5V7EI. The team consisted of 14 operators from 6 countries. Over the period of 2 weeks we made in excess of 50k QSO’s making one of the highest QSO numbers on any EIDXG DXpedition. A full report on this will be published soon.
Following my return from Togo I participated in CQ WPX SSB from the station of Nick G4FAL, I operated for close to 36 hrs using the call sign M7K, I made a little over 2600 QSO’s with a total Score over 6 million points as a single operator. I also participated in CQ WXP CW from M6T, again single operator making shy of 3000 QSO’s and over 6 million points again.

L-R: ?, Jeremy EI5GM, Nobby G0VJG/FW5JG, Jamie M0SDV, Norbert DJ7JC & Dave EI9FBB
I paid a visit to Ham Radio in Friedrichshafen, where I saw old friends and met some new people who I hope to operate with in the future. I always find this events a great place to socialise, catch up, make new friendships and network with fellow DXers and contest operators. Here is a picture taken by Nigel G3TXF of me enjoying the company some friends.
In the coming months I will have some more DX trips. Firstly I will get a visit from my friend Phil DK6SP from Bavaria, and together we will travel to Ireland stopping in Dublin on the way to DX Feile hosted by the EIDX group on Aran Island (IOTA EU-006). There will be a Social event and a programme of talks for us to enjoy, as well as a station to activate the IOTA as EJ1D. More information can be found here >
And in October I will be heading for Cyprus where I will operate as 5B/M0SDV and P3F during the CQWW SSB contest, Many thanks to Bob 5B4AGN for hosting me at his home on the island. I’m sure there will be some fun pile ups to work whilst I am there.
As for further ahead only time will tell what I’ll get up to, No doubt planning for more DX and contest trips. Exploring the world and making many more ham radio friends along the way. Keep an eye here for my next update!